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Top Notch Content Writing Service Packages & Pricing!

Undoubtedly content plays a dominating role in getting tremendous positive returns and helping you grow fast. Hence, YesAssistant has developed some excellent content writing service packages that can provide you with top-notch content at affordable cost. And by offering the following, we have made ourselves unique in the industry-

  • In-depth Research
  • 100% Plagiarism Free
  • Keyword Optimized Contents
  • NLP Optimized Contents
  • Converting Funnel Implementation
  • 100% SEO Optimized
Content writing

Clients Who Boosted Their Growth With Our Content


Plans and pricing

Our Website Content Writing Pricing

Our website content writing pricing starts only at $299! At this affordable pricing, we write content to make your site able to communicate with your visitors! We can offer the following values to help you to thrive.

Website Writing

Up to 5 Pages

Up to 10 Pages

Up to 20 Pages

Quantity Per Web Pages Writing (500-600 Words)

$ 299
$ 299

$ 599

$ 599

$ 999

$ 999

Research Into Your Company, Target Audience, Industry, Etc.

Keyword Optimized Content

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Professional Copy Editing And Proofreading

Plagiarism Checking

SEO Optimized Content

H1 & H2 Headings Optimized

NLP Optimize Content

E-A-T Optimize Content

H1 & H2 Headings Optimized

Deliverable: Google Docs Or MS Word

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Need more information? Contact Us

Plans and pricing

Our Website Article Writing Pricing

We create any sort of website articles you prefer at reasonable costs. Hence, our website article writing service offers the following values that meet your demand and help you grow.

Article Writing

Up to 5 Articles

Up to 10 Articles

Up to 20 Articles

Quantity Per Articles Writing (800-1200 Words)

$ 199
$ 199
$ 349

$ 349

$ 649
$ 649

Create Content Outline

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Internal / External Hyperlinks

Keyword Optimized Content

Professional Copy Editing And Proofreading

Plagiarism Checking

SEO Optimized Content

H1 & H2 Headings Optimized

NLP Optimize Content

E-A-T Optimize Content

Deliverable: Google Docs Or MS Word

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Need more information? Contact Us

Plans and pricing

Our Website Blog Writing Pricing

Our website blogger writing pricing plan offers quality blog posts that are good at improving your website traffic. This plan includes the following added values that ensure enhanced quality at reasonable costs.

Blog Writing

Up to 5 Blogs

Up to 10 Blogs

Up to 20 Blogs

Quantity Per Blogs Writing (1200-1500 Words)

$ 249
$ 249
$ 499
$ 499
$ 999
$ 999

Create Content Outline

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Internal / External Hyperlinks

Keyword Optimized Content

Professional Copy Editing And Proofreading

Plagiarism Checking

SEO Optimized Content

H1 & H2 Headings Optimized

NLP Optimize Content

E-A-T Optimize Content

Deliverable: Google Docs Or MS Word

Need more information? Contact Us

Need more information? Contact Us

Our Process in SEO Content Creation!

A Streamline System That Enhances Quality

To maintain top-notch quality, we make sure each content is made through a streamlined process that ensures 99.99% efficiency! After deep research, we developed this process, experimentally tested it, and finally approved it as our permanent content production process.

Here are the steps that made our process streamlined!

SEO Content

Client Consultation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor.

SEO Keyword Research and Market Analysis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor.

SEO Content Strategy Development

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor.

In-Depth Research Process

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor.

Web Content Writing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor.

SEO Content Optimization

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor.

Gathering Project Details

First, we take appointments from our clients and sit for a meeting to know further details about the upcoming content. Our experts note all the necessary details, such as the amount of content needed, content purposes, targeted customers/leads, etc. Gathering all the scattered information, they create a complete report.

SEO Content Strategy Development

After getting the complete project details, our content development team sits with our SEO expert team. By utilizing their combined effort, they brainstorm and develop a combined plan about the content topics. Then they develop a rough plan about how the content should be distributed on the web as well.

Market Analysis and Keyword Research

At this stage, our SEO expert team analyzes the competitors on Google, notes down the findings, and finally figures out what topics should be covered. After performing more technical research on the market, they initiate the keyword research process and finalize the golden keywords for content creation.

SEO Content

Performing In-Depth Research

Our expert and creative writers get the finalized keywords at this stage. At this phase, they initiate the in-depth research process on the keywords, note the essential findings, analyze the competitors against these particular keywords, and brainstorm to formulate precise content formats.

Web Content Writing Process

Whenever the research process is done, our writers formulate final structures for the content, maintaining some technical aspects such as search intent, user intent, 360° coverage, etc. Then initiate their creative writing part, implementing the popular funnels like Tripwire, AIDA, High Ticket Funnel, etc.

SEO Optimization and Proofreading

Finally, they proofread their write-ups and bring some changes, such as grammatical errors fixing, tonality fixing, proper funnel setting, etc. In the meantime, they also check other crucial factors such as proper keyword placement, NLP optimization, proper distribution of H tags, etc., to make sure the contents are 100% SEO optimized.

Why Do You Need a Content Marketing Strategy?

The Competitive Advantages that Help Your Content Stand Out!

As you already know, quality content always comes first to dominate the SERP! But according to multiple authentic reports, 82% of marketers invest in content marketing for sustainable traffic generating purposes.

According to another survey, 51% of businesses consider investing in content marketing to attain a good growth curve.

After all, to reach your content to the relevant people, content marketing is the only effective way that doesn’t harm the readers’ satisfaction. Besides enhancing the probability of attaining your potential leads, the proper content marketing method can get you the following benefits.

Increased Website Traffic

Efficient content marketing improves the visibility of your content on all the relevant platforms and ensures more visitors. Especially implementing the content marketing funnel considering the prospective outcomes can multiply the increasing rate.

Boosts Brand Awareness

Strategic content marketing allows your contents to reach your unknown area where your relevant people are active. Running content marketing campaigns among them significantly improves your brand value. And at the same time, it enhances the business growth without harming the readers’ satisfaction.

Enhances Visitor Engagement

As nowadays, people search on different platforms and perform intense research before purchasing any particular product or service, being active on different digital platforms is important in your case. Content marketing allows you to do that, and it creates trust in your customers when they experience your existence on multiple platforms. After all, it improves the engagement rate significantly.

Helps in SEO

As content marketing deals with several digital platforms, it enhances building quality backlinks. Even it increases the chances of getting referral links. On the other hand, content marketing allows you to drive many unique visitors to your sites from these platforms. The overall package creates a profound positive impact on boosting your ranking on search engines like Google. Eventually, it enables you to put less effort into SEO directly.

Better Conversion

A better content marketing strategy with an appropriate conversion funnel allows you to convert your random visitors into your potential leads. Compared to lead-generating paid marketing funnels, strategic content marketing can reach your content to relevant people. If the quality is good, your readers will love the content and get converted. After all, the overall package will attain a satisfactory conversion rate.

Better Track Record

When your contents are published on multiple platforms, different readers will consume these. A proper content marketing method allows you to distribute your content on multiple channels. And at the same time, it also allows you to keep detailed track records about the visitors coming to your site, which you can use later for future marketing.

Popular Content Types We Offer

We create contents that serve your readers 100%!

Focusing on the different business needs, we create different types of content as part of our core offerings. Besides creating blogs, web articles, etc., we also produce some other sort of contents maintaining the appropriate standards.

Here are the types of content we offer-

Blog Articles

To bring a sustainable stream of visitors to your website, our skilled team is set to create quality blog posts. Besides following the major rules of writing, each of our writers maintains contemporary ranking factors on Google, which ensures the highest ranking possibilities.

Video Script

Besides creating written content, we also serve to produce video content. We write video scripts for any form of video content, such as product reviews, documentary, case studies, fact-checking, DIY, etc. No matter how complex the video you want to create, we'll write scripts that will enhance the appeal and average watch time.

Service Page Content

Our expert writer team can deliver content for your service pages also. Depending on the structure of your service page, we can create content for each section, maintaining the tonality and proper value proposition in concise formats.

E-Book Writing

Creating professional ebooks are also important for enhancing credibility and positive branding. Our creative writers are expert enough to meet your demands that will help add a different dimension to attain a sustainable business exposure on your behalf.

Social Media Content

To boost further growth on your behalf, we are also set to provide quality content that engages with your community people. Our writers can write social media content for any popular social network, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on, that can enhance the relationship between you and your prospective customers.

Engaging Ad Copy

No matter what the platform is, we can deliver content for all your paid advertising campaigns. Considering your marketing goal, we take some details such as targeted audience, campaign duration, advertising goals, etc. Then we initiate our writing process to deliver the best quality content.

Case Studies

Our skilled team has extensive knowledge in several industries to write case studies. They will perform intense research and collect all the necessary data depending on your offered industry or a particular company. After gathering A-Z details on the table, our team will create complete case studies illustrating the entire success journey of your prospective companies/organizations.

Press Releases

To leverage your growth, we can create press release contents for your PR campaigns. Every press release we write serves the organization’s purposes and attains its goal without facing any lagging graph. After all, ensure delivering your words through our press releases with concise words and proper format.

Email Marketing Copy

We write only Email copies that boost conversion! Before initiating our writing process, we’ll hear the complete details about your Email marketing plan. Depending on some major and minor factors such as persona type, Email goal, demographics, etc., we’ll start writing your copies for Email marketing that will get you an added advantage throughout the campaign.

Product Descriptions

To boost your e-commerce growth curve, our skilled team can create concise content with an exciting tone that can hook your potential buyers. Depending on the deeper details of these particular contents, we can create each content that stands out!

Landing Page Content

Depending on the marketing funnel you apply, we create landing page contents that also suit the funnel. First, we analyze your marketing funnel, get the details, analyze these, and then start initiating our writing part, considering the type of prospective visitors. After all, we ensure creating content that boosts conversion.

Email Newsletters

For your weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis plans, our writers can create quality newsletters to serve enough value to your subscribers. We create each newsletter eye-catchy, engaging, exciting, and valuable to your subscribers. And finally, it’ll help you retain enhanced engagement with your subscribers.

Why Choose YesAssistant For SEO Optimized Content?

The Values We Provide That Make Us Unique!

Nowadays, more and more companies and individuals are launching their sites and taking advantage of search engines like Google. To help them to rank higher on SERP, many providers have come into the town to create quality content on their behalf.

Let’s find out what special YesAssistant offers that might be the reason to opt for.

100% Premium Tools

To ensure further improvement of our finished write-ups, we use premium tools that ensure enhanced quality and improve ranking possibilities. All tools we use are expensive and proven to make your content well performing.

Proper Funnel Implementation

To improve reader engagement, we implement some proven effective funnels such as AIDA, E-A-T, etc. We even brainstorm to form customized funnels considering the content goals. The overall combination enables our content to get more engagement from the relevant people.

Persona Based Writing

Before initiating our writing, we study the prospective visitors! We first analyze the targeted people seeking solutions on any particular topic using any particular keyword. Then targeting them, we write content that enhances reader engagement and the higher ranking possibilities on Google.

Super Engaging Tone

Each content we create is made with nimble techniques that enhance reader engagement. To make it happen, we create each piece of content with a storytelling tone that makes the content more interesting to the readers. Besides enhancing the engagement rate, it helps to improve your site’s credibility.

SEO and NLP Optimized Content

To make our created content more reader and search engine friendly, we ensure our content is 100% SEO optimized, enhancing the ranking possibilities. During the writing process, we always keep our write-ups under the supervision of our premium tools, which makes our content NLP optimized.

Updated Data / Information

During our writing process, our writers are always conscious about putting contemporary and relevant information from valid sources. It makes our content more credible to the readers and Google. Even we pick up short case studies that can offer added value to your readers.


Get Your Queries Answered Here!

Let’s get some frequently asked queries that most of our customers ask. For more queries, contact us without any hesitation!

Yes, we do. After editing and proofreading, we use premium tools to make our content 100% plagiarism free.

For the writing part, we use Google Docs and MS Office. Considering your preference, we’ll share the link to the Google Doc file. If you want us to send the doc file straight through email, we can also do that for you.


All our writers write through a streamlined process that allows us to finish the tasks before the estimated deadline. No matter how much work pressure we handle, we are always uncompromised about the content quality and meet deadlines.

Depending on the package you purchase, you’ll get several free revisions as part of the package. If you need to update your content with more insights and need revision, we’ll charge a negligible amount per revision.

You can pay us through any popular mediums you’re comfortable with, such as PayPal, Stripe, Payoneer, etc. Even if you want to pay us through a direct wire transfer, you’re also welcome!

don’t hesitate to ask
Any Other Question?

    How Satisfied are Our Content Writing Customers?

    Customer satisfaction is our main fuel to move forward and serve more. Here are some of our customers’ feedback on our content writing services.

    Trustpilot Logo

    My website is small and needs quality content to grow. I found them randomly online and ordered 17 contents to prepare for me. The outcomes were outstanding. High-quality infographics, precise write-ups, and nicely SEO optimized! 100% recommended company.

    “Stephen Smith”
    Chris L.

    As a YouTuber, I handle so much stress. I was searching for a good script writer like crazy. I asked James if he could help me. He arranged a meeting with one of his writers who does scriptwriting. His video scripts got me quality subscribers within a month! Great job man.

    “Stacey Watson”
    Sarah Job


      We will research your target audience, and develop a keyword strategy based around their interests.


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